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Toot Hill College achieves best ever A level results

Toot Hill College is pleased to announce its best ever A Level results.  With a 100% pass rate and 86% of students gaining an A* to C, these results continue the College's outstanding track record of providing both A Level and vocational qualifications.

Toot Hill College has also seen a significant increase in the number of students securing an A* or As.  This figure has risen from 34% to 38% and is a testament to the hard work of students.

Karen Strachan, Head of College stated:

"These results are a direct reflection of the hard work and commitment students and staff have put in over the last two years.  Yet again Toot Hill College students will be attending some of the very best Universities in the country and accessing some of the most competitive and challenging academic fields.

These results also provide our students with the qualifications needed to secure apprenticeships and further training in an increasingly competitive employment market."

Ash Rahman, Head of School added:

"Yet again we are immensely proud of our student's achievements. We have so many individual stories of success and all of them have hard work, perseverance and commitment at their centre. Congratulations to all students involved.

We wish all our students continued success as they go out into the wider world and will watch their future careers with pride."

These excellent results are a fitting start as Toot Hill College moves into a new, purpose built facility in September.  This new building will provide college students with new teaching, catering and study facilities.

John Tomasevic, CEO of the Torch Academy Gateway Trust commented:

"Our new building will provide our students with the very best facilities. This investment in Toot Hill School is part of our continued drive to provide outstanding education provision for Bingham and the surrounding areas."

Student Profiles:

Alex Allison secured four A* grades in Maths, Further Maths, Physics and History and has secured a place at Oxford University reading Physics. In total Alex has completed an astonishing 24 qualifications during his seven years at Toot Hill School.

Amelia Scholl (Sheffield) and Sam Murray (Hull York) have both been accepted to study Medicine.

  • Alex Allison: A* A* A* A*
  • Ella Bull: A* A* A
  • Jack Craig: A* A* A* A
  • Ben Mercer: A* A A B
  • Sam Murray: A* A* A
  • Nick Pitsillos: A* A* A*
  • Amelia Scholl: A* A A
  • Alicia Saccoh: A* A A
  • Luke Shaw: A* A* A A
  • Amelia Scholl: A* A A
  • Srah Strachan: A* A A
  • Aisha Vadher: A* A A
  • Laura Verner: A* A* A
  • Kate Winfield: A* A* A*
  • Peter Woodward: A* A A A


  • A*-A: 2013 34%, 2014 38%
  • A*-C: 2013 85%, 2014 86%
  • A*-E: 2013 100%, 2014 100%

September 2024


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