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'Cardboard Cowboys' by Brian Conaghan- A Learning Lounge Gift

The Learning Lounge loves meeting their brand new cohort of Year 7 readers! To celebrate their arrival we have gifted every Year 7 student with a copy of 'Cardboard Cowboys' by Brian Conaghan. Brian will be visiting Year 7 this December. In the meantime, students will be reading the book in their tutor time and discussing with their tutors and peers what they think. As you read the novel don't forget to answer the questions on your companion bookmark. Get ready to dive into the life of young Lenny as he navigates his way through school.

Have a fantastic first year at Toot Hill School and we hope you love the book as much as we did!

  • 'Cardboard Cowboys' is also available for other years to take out. They can complete the reading challenge and receive 25 credit points. Furthermore, Brian will be offering writing workshops to all years when he visits in December. For other books by Brian, come visit our Brian Conaghan display in the LL.

'Cardboard Cowboys' by Brian Conaghan

Even though I found him living in a house made of cardboard, Bruce is a massive legend. FACT. So this mine and Bruce's story. You don't have to believe it happened, but it did. All of it. Nobody at school can see past Lenny's size to the person within. So when lessons get too tough, Lenny always goes to his bench to think. At least there no one can see him.

Then one day, midway through lobbing his empty can of Irn-Bru into the canal he's stopped by Bruce. Bruce lives in a cardboard home hidden away by the banks, and he doesn't approve of kids messing up his front lawn ... But a bumpy start soon gives way to an unexpected friendship - and an epic road trip - that will change both of them for life ...

April 2024


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