Pupil Premium

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What is Progress Plus+?

Progress Plus + is Toot Hill's support package for government Pupil Premium funded children. The Pupil Premium funding grant received is used by the school to support students in raising their academic progress. The funding is allocated to schools for children up to Year 11, who have registered for Free School Meals in the last six years, are in care or have parents in the Armed Forces. Students who are classed as 'Ever 6', having claimed free school meals previously (within 6 years) are also eligible for Progress Plus+.

Click here to see if you are eligible for Free School Meals and Apply

Information on Progress Plus +

More information on Free School Meals (FSM) here.

How much Pupil Premium funding does Toot Hill School get?

For 2022-2023 Toot Hill School was allocated £179,173 based on 14% registered for Ever 6, Free school meals, Looked after Children and Service Children. Toot Hill School falls on the border of the lowest and 4th quintile for receipt of Pupil Premium funding.

Please contact the college team for more information on bursary support that can be offered to college students.

How we spent our PP funding 2021-2022 and planned expenditure 2022-2023

Our school has the freedom to spend the Premium in a way we think will best support the raising of attainment for our most vulnerable pupils. All our interventions are based on educational research taken from the Education Endowment Foundation.

We ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all of our students, regardless of social background of specific educational need. We recognise that many of our students do not require any special intervention, but may also benefit from extra support at specific times during their education.

At the moment some of the interventions throughout Key Stages 3 and 4 that are supported by Pupil Premium funding are:

  • Reduced class sizes
  • Staff training on supporting pupil premium students in mastery learning
  • Free revision resources
  • Elevated achievement tracking at KS3 and KS4
  • Academic in school support for Maths and English
  • KS3 literacy intervention
  • Online access to tuition support
  • 1-1 Careers guidance and mentoring
  • Enrichment funding for some academic trips
  • Reduced costs for the on Duke of Edinburgh (Yr9 and 10)
  • Free place or reduced costs on selected residential trips

For full details of our funded interventions, please click the link at the top of the page.

How will parents and carers know it is working?

In the academic year 2022-23, 218 student are eligible for Pupil Premium funding. For the Year 11 students the Premium funding was spent predominantly on extra English, Maths and Science support, alongside additional afterschool interventions throughout the year. Despite the challenges our Year 11 cohorts have faced over the last few years our Year 11 students successfully find post-16 placements.

We track all of our Pupil Premium funded students progress each term, so we can quickly see if our support plans are working. Each classroom teacher will be aware of students within their class who are eligible for increased support through Progress Plus+ and so can provide discrete, timely support for their students. Parents' evenings are also a great opportunity to discuss your child’s progress and intervention needs. At Toot Hill school we want to work with parents to ensure each student gets the best opportunity to succeed, so please keep in touch with us.

If you would like further information on Progress Plus+ please do not hesitate to get in touch with your child’s tutor, Assistant Head of Year or Mrs R Kenny, our Progress Plus+ Leader.

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