Music Curriculum Intent

“Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, and life to everything… Without music, life would be an error.”


Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A high - quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as a musicians and so increase their self – confidence, creativity and sense of achievement

At Toot Hill School we expose students to a wide variety of different types of music so that they have the enriching and potentially life changing opportunity to engage with and pursue whatever style of music they are drawn to. We give every student the opportunity to play at least three of the following instruments at KS3: saxophone, guitar, keyboard, drum kit and violin. We recognise that students bring with them very different levels of musical experience and provide creative, practical lessons that all students can engage with and learn from. The ambition of the music department is to contribute to Nottinghamshire’s (and the UK’s) next generation of musicians and teachers to lead and inspire as it has done in the past.

To that end we:

  • explore different types of world music both at KS3 and at GCSE to develop an understanding and appreciation of the music and contexts of music popular in countries and cultures other than their own
  • experience the fun, uplifting and social enriching experience of performing in groups through class work and extra curricular activities to discover first hand the positive benefits of music on mental health, well being and personal creativity
  • provide a thriving Big Band, a Folk Band, a Concert Band, several Rock Bands and various string and woodwind ensembles that students can participate in
  • provide performance opportunities for performers of all levels, from their first classroom experience to our bi–annual concerts that boast over 100 performers to semi-professional gigs in the community
  • challenge students to perform to grade exam standard on keyboard, guitar, violin, saxophone and drum kit at KS3, developing performance skills as well as characteristics like self - evaluation and tenacity.

October 2024


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