Uniform and EquipmentAll pupils (Years 7-11) | Further Information
We pride ourselves with high standards of dress in school and therefore require the full co-operation of pupils and parents in maintaining these. A high standard of dress impacts on the working ethos both within the school and within our local community. Failure to wear correct uniform will be sanctioned but it should be highlighted that we do everything we can to support families experiencing difficulties when providing a uniform for their child/children.
Purchase of Uniform
Toot Hill School uniform is available to order directly from our supplier “Academy School Uniforms”.
Academy School Uniforms offer an extensive and well established on-line purchasing facility with options to have garments delivered directly to home. Please visit https://www.just-schoolwear.co.uk to place an order or for more information.
Academy School Uniforms also offer a wallet feature to help you to save for future purchases. Click here for more information.
If you are purchasing school uniform items outside of our supplier, it is crucial that you are aware of our uniform requirements so that your child can attend school every day confident that they are compliant with our school rules. Please see the detailed list below and click here for further information.
Pre-loved Uniform
We are delighted to announce that we now offer a service to support our school community where pre-loved, good condition items of Toot Hill School uniform can now be donated, exchanged and acquired free of charge on set dates. Please click here for further details and dates for your diary. Please note that you should enter school through the bus park entrance, on Tithby Lane, only for these events.
All pupils (Years 7-11)
- School Blazer - School regulation green blazer, with official school badge (compulsory and must be worn at all times)
- School Clip-on Tie - each year group has their own specific pattern
- Trousers - Plain black, formal cut, full-length trousers which should touch the top of the shoe but do not have to include the official school logo
- Skirt - Skirts must be knee-length, black, of a formal cut and wide pleated but do not have to include the official school logo. Pencil style / tight fitting / stretch material skirts are not permitted
- Shirt - Formal white, long sleeves with stiff collar
- Jumper/Cardigan - Should be made from a knitted material, be bottle green in colour and v-necked but do not have to include the official school logo (non-compulsory and may not be worn without a blazer). Please note that sweatshirt material garments and hoodies are not permitted and that jumpers and cardigans are not an alternative to a blazer but can be worn underneath the blazer, for additional warmth.
- Socks/Tights - Plain black ankle socks or tights
- Shoes - Plain black lace-up or slip-on formal shoes with low heels (no more than 2 inches in height). Please note that boots, trainers, fabric/pump style shoes are not permitted
- Coat - Plain dark raincoat, duffel or anorak (non-compulsory). A discrete logo is permissible. Coats are generally not to be worn in or around school during the working day. Denim and leather jackets are not permitted.
- Hat - Plain black hat may be worn outdoors, for warmth. Suitable hats for protection from the sun may be worn in the summer months. These may be agreed with the pupil's Head of Year. No hats or hoods are permitted to be worn within school buildings. Baseball caps are not permitted in any circumstances, including journeys to and from school.
PE Kit
All pupils are expected to bring appropriate kit to all PE/Games lessons. They should pay careful attention to which activities they will be participating in. Pupils who fail to bring appropriate PE kit for their lesson will be provided with clean garments to ensure full participation in the lesson.
The official Toot Hill School PE kit with school logos is available for purchase through Academy School Uniforms and is required for pupils involved in local and national school competitions. It should also be noted that pupils can continue to wear any legacy items of PE kit with school logos.
Unisex Sports Kit requirements (for all boys and girls):
- T-Shirt: Plain black round neck training top/t-shirt with the official school logo
- Shorts: Plain black football or rugby shorts but they do not have to include the official school logo, cycling shorts are not permitted
- Training Top: Green and black quarter zip training top with official school logo
- Tracksuit bottoms: Plain black, full lengths bottoms. These do not have to have the official school logo and a discrete brand logo is permitted
- Sports Leggings: Plain black, full length leggings. These do not have to have the official school logo and a discrete brand logo is permitted
- Footwear: Trainers (non-marking soles) / football boots
- Other: Shin pads / grey/black ‘skin’ top / Mouth Guard*
- Socks: Black football socks with official Toot Hill inscription / black ankle socks
- Jumper (optional): Plain black crew neck jumper with the official school logo. Hoodies are not acceptable for Health & Safety reasons
*Optional but recommended item
All pupils will also require a carrying bag for their Sports kit. A plastic bag is recommended for carrying dirty football boots.
All pupils with long hair will require a hair bobble to tie their hair up for PE/Games lessons.
Except in the case of serious injury, all pupils are expected to come to PE/Games lessons prepared to take part in some physical activity. If pupils have minor ailments, they should bring a note from home explaining this and still bring their kit and take part appropriately.
Further Information
Summer Uniform
It is expected that full school uniform is worn every day to school, despite the weather. At times of extreme heat, when air conditioning is not provided, students will be informed by the Headteacher when ties and blazers may be removed
Pupils may wear a watch but no other jewellery is permitted due to health and safety issues and liability in case of loss. Therefore, if students wish to have any part of their body pierced they must arrange this at the beginning of the summer holidays so that the wound has sufficient time to heal. Plasters may not be worn to cover body jewellery. Failure to comply with this will result in a sanction.
Hairstyles and Attire
Baseball caps are not permitted in any circumstances.
Hairstyles should not be extreme. Parents should consult, in advance, with the Head of Year if they are unsure as to the suitability of a change of style. The school shall be the arbiter of the term 'extreme'. Failure to comply with this will result in a sanction.
Make-up should be minimal and natural; staff have the right to challenge inappropriate or overly obvious make-up applications. Make-up includes nails (colour and length), eyelashes, eyebrows and foundation (this list is not exhaustive). For Health and Safety reasons nail polish and fake nails and false eyelashes are not permitted.
Financial Support
In cases of financial hardship parents can appeal to the Headteacher/Governors for financial support. Such cases will be treated with due sensitivity and in confidence.
Special Consideration
Parents can apply in writing to the School governing body if they wish their child(ren) to wear different items for religious, cultural or health reasons.
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