In Year Admissions

Admissions in-year will be processed by Toot Hill School and applications should be made directly to the school. The application form is available to download here and further details of how to apply are available by contacting the admissions team via the contact form. Applications can be made up to 6 weeks, or during the preceding school half term, before the required start date, and must be made by a person with parental responsibility. Please be aware that on receipt of your completed Application Form we will be contacting your child's current school for information regarding academic levels, attendance and behaviour.

The outcome of your application will be sent in writing within 15 school days.

Once a place has been offered you should contact the Admissions Team within 14 days to accept/decline the place. If you do not respond within a reasonable period of time, the offer of a place may be withdrawn. A start date will be set that is convenient for yourself and the school. In all cases the place must be taken up by the start of the next half term after the place has been allocated. If the place is not taken up within this timeframe then the place could be withdrawn and you will need to reapply at the relevant time.

If you move house after you have submitted your application, it may affect how your application is considered. This could also affect your child's position on the waiting list. It is important to receive this information as soon as possible to ensure that your application can be processed correctly.

When the year group is full and there are no places available, the school will hold waiting lists. The order of the waiting list is decided by the admission oversubscription criteria for Toot Hill School irrespective of the date the application was received. The Waiting List will remain open until closing at the end of the academic year. To be added to the following year's waiting list the parent/carer must make a new application in that academic year.

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