Web Links

Use the links below to visit our favourite sites. Use the link in the 'Related Downloads' panel to view or download a PDF version of this list which you can then either save or print out for future reference.

General Musical Links

GoogleThe best website for fast and accurate web searching
The Classical Music NavigatorA site that helps you find important works by a particular composer or in a particular genre
Making MusicA good source of information about a wide range of musical areas
Musicnotes - Sheet MusicA website for purchasing and downloading sheet music for printing.
Music TheoryA website to help you learn more about theory and reading music.
Music Theory QuizzesSome quizzes to test you knowledge of Music theory

Year 7, 8 and 9

Instruments of the OrchestraAn excellent guide to the four families of instruments. You can read about them, hear them and watch them being played.
The History of the Blues - Workshop at the WhitehouseA link to a youtube video about the History of the Blues.

GCSE Music

Cousework.infoA very good revision site for GCSE, AS and A Level Music
BBC GCSE BitesizeAnother good GCSE revision site
Sound of IndiaAn excellent site with lots of information about Indian music and soundclips too.
GCSE Set WorksYoutube audio files of all 12 set works
Edexcel WebsiteLink to the Edexcel GCSE Music Homepage. Here you can access the specification and assessment criteria. You can also download past papers.
Intervals TrainingAn audio based web page designed to test your interval recognition skills. Most useful for melodic dictation.

AS and A Level Music

Cousework.infoA very good revision site for GCSE, AS and A Level Music
Edexcel WebsiteLink to the Edexcel AS/A Level Music Homepage. Here you can access the specification and assessment criteria. You can also download past papers.

Fun Links

ExploratoriumA brilliantly designed site with answers to questions like 'Why do I sound good when I sing in the shower?' and 'Why do songs get stuck in my head?' Also has online mixers and 'Kitchen sink-o-pation to play around with

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